Things haven’t been going my way lately and to be dead honest, I’m really fustrated with the world. All I want to do sometimes is dig a hole, bring my laptop and watch all the naruto, smallville, project runway and bleach episodes, and throw my handphone into the deepest depths of the ocean.
It’s seriously at times like these that getting an award or tag can brighten my day and help take my mind off worldly affairs.
are really gorgeous beauty bloggers who tagged me for the Awesome Girl and Over the Top Awards :))I know alot of you already read their blogs but if u haven’t, u should pop on over and have a read! I really enjoy these blogs :)
PArt of this Awesome Girl Award requires that I include 10 facts about me.. I am pretty bland so I have to warn u that it can get boring… hahaha
1)The only form of exercise I like is brisk walking
2)I wanted a pet Iguana when I was 14
3)I had bad asthma
4)I love YSL Lipsticks
5)I love ANNA SUI packaging alot
6)I love SHU UEMURA ( tried their brow pencil, eyeshadows, concealors, foundations, cleansing oils, mascara, curler) just love their products.
7)Putting on makeup helps me relax and de stress :)
8)I bring a pack of tissue when I go makeup hunting cause the back of my hand usually looks like a multi colored , crazy rainbow!
9)I can spend hour after after makeup shopping
10) I am a you tube beauty video addict
NEXT UP is the "Over the Top Award"...These awards make me happy and I always end up smiling like an idoit in front of my computer!! hehehe…

I have to answer the following questions with one word and tag other bloggers :)
Where's your cell phone: Bag
Your hair: Fine
Your mother: Intelligent
Your father: Eccentric
Favorite Food: Rice
Dream last night: none
Favorite drink: COKE
What room are you: Bedroom
Hobby: Shopping
Fear: Heights
Where were you last night: out
Something that you aren't: Meticulous
Muffins: raisin
Wish list item:on the left column of my blog
Where did you grow up: s’pore
What are you wearing: top & jeans
Your pets: none
Friends: companionship
Something you're not wearing: necklace
Favorite store: topshop
Favorite color: pink
Last time you laughed: today
Your best friend: hubby
Place you go to over and over: town
Person who emails you regularly: work
Favorite place to eat: home
I am tagging these lovely ladies who each have a unique take on beauty and whose blogs I enjoy reading :)Actually 10 isn’t enough. I read too many good blogs that I sometimes can’t keep track ! i definitely tag, the 4 lovelies who have tagg me, back and these sweeties below:
e.motion in motion
Chee Chun
Make me Blushhh