Crossing the Blues

Saturday, October 31, 2009

The genius of You Tube

I’d  like to believe that YOU TUBE was founded by beauty gurus who needed an avenue to post all their beauty hauls and what not in moment of makeup enlightenment but the simple truth is that it was founded by 3 pretty attractive looking guys( some still say it’s 2 guys and I am totally not sure about this but since Wikipedia stated 3,I’m sticking with it)! Above is Chad and Steve. The third dude is Jawed Karim and from what I see through Google images, he’s not bad looking. Totally unexpected .

This raises another case in point, IT WIZs can be very attractive and good looking. I really love these guys as they have helped me get over my TV Addiction. You Tube has everything a girl would ever need to keep herself occupied and readily informed.

I love you tube cause it has spawned so many amazing beauty gurus like Michelle Phan , Fafinette, binosusume, beautyQQ, manwomanfilm and many others.

I love how you can be surfing for one thing and a great link to something similar pops up and since my attention span is that of a goldfish, I can easily switch videos super fast and I rarely get bored!




This lovely korean lady makes cooking complex Korean Dishes look easy, fun and yummy. I bet it’s not as easy to make though for a klutz like me! All those veggies, yummy!



OLLY MURS. I am such a big fan of his!! His old school singing, dancing and on stage performance is the reason why I have to watch him online every week!


His interviews with celebrities (esp. Jennifer Love Hewitt) & monologues always crack me up.








She’s honest, funny and totally sexy. Amazing hauls too!


My current hot favourite anime is WITCHBLADE & VAMPIRE KNIGHT.  Lots of fun. I check out anime songs and everything anime related on you tube all the time :)



My current favourite music video has to be Miss Shanghai

For all my KPOP, Jap, German, English songs. Lately, I’ve been totally stuck to Park Bom Latest single:

From  Vampire Knight Guilty

Hope you enjoyed this post, it’s beauty related yet not beauty related… hee hee ^_^

If there are any channels you adore, pls comment below! I would love love to know :)

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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Lippy Addiction *-*


Lipstick was the very first cosmetic that I ever fell in love with. I can’t describe the feeling when I first applied my mommy’s red lipstick but I knew then that I wanted tons of lipsticks when I grew up.

Some people have pictures, furniture, dairies, to remind them of different stages in their lives and I have my LIPSTICKS. The lipsticks I keep for ages,  bring back precious memories for me and I just can’t throw them away!

As a poor  University student, I would really save up to buy Anna Sui, Shu Uemura, Biotherm, Chanel, MAC and MUFE. I was totally into buying “branded” lipsticks and glosses and it was usually a reward after my exams or tests! Yes, I needed beautiful incentives to get through school, cause it was so damn boring. After my Uni days, I spent a yr in MUNICH and all I had was the mainstream  brands such as MAC, YSL, maybelline and etc… I got to try some of the German made lipsticks from Manhattan and Art Deco. Still, I was super deprived of the Asian and regular brands that were easily avaliable in Spore. So, now that I’ve been back home  for 3 yrs, I totally appreciate the variety of lippies that I can get super easily from a local drugstore or shopping centre.

I have tried quite a number of lipsticks and glosses and nothing beats ANNA SUI, YSL and SHU UEMURA LIPSTICKS and MAC & Japanese LIPGLOSSES:

Here’s a Checklist for things I bear in mind when I go lippy hunting

  • PACKAGING – If the lipstick is cheap, I don’t expect maximum durability and beautiful packaging. It still has to be relatively decent though. If I buy expensive lipstick, it should be able to withstand some serious tossing around in my bag. Also, it should look pretty gorgeous ( just like YSL Lipsticks).
  • Avaliable  Testers that I can swatch with  is a must. I like to have a feel of the lippy b4 buying it.
  • SMELL – No fishy, plastic smells pls. This is sometimes why I steer clear of  cheaper lipsticks. They can smell pretty bad sometimes. Whereas MAC glosses smell like vanilla even after a long time. I actually adore the smell of Anna Sui Lippies too!
  • COLOR REPRODUCTION – I like what I see in the tube to be very close to what I have on my lips, bearing in mind that I do have pigmented lips.
  • CONSISTENCY – I prefer lipsticks which aren’t too sticky and creamy because they come off very quickly. I think I have slippery lips.
  • COLORS – I usually steer clear of very very dark lip colors cause I look very old with them. I used to be into  brown shades but now I like pinks and nudes. Shades of purple seem to suit my slightly pigmented lips really well too.
  • PRODUCT – I had a creamy MAC LIPSTICK that broke!  It was so soft, it practically melted and fell out the tube after 3 weeks ( I didn’t even use it everyday). MAC’s matte lipsticks don’t break as easily. Shu Uemura (SU) Lipsticks on the other hand have lasted years and years for me. Everything from the  ink on the packaging to the plastic casing and lipstick is still nicely in tact.
  • PRICE – I have a different budget from time to time.

Here’s some of my lippies from my makeup stash:

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* Shu Uemura Colors are a little dated cause they are a little old..hehe.. can’t bear to throw them out.. I love the texture and look of the lipstick. Also, I have yet to find a close match to Anna Sui Matte Lipsticks *

I pretty keen on growing my nude/ pinkish/ purplish collection :) I have MAC’s Honey love, Blankety and myth, Revlon’s Nude Attitude and some OCC in mind too.. you guys have anything else to recommend ??

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

CORTRY Hydration Mask Review

Now dears, I’m having a giveaway to say thanks to my readers!! so if you haven’t had a chance to check it out, pls do so HERE :)

I’m really touched that so many of you have posted my giveaway on your blogs and I hope it was a relatively quick and painless process !! hehe LOL!

Okie…  so I’m on a MASK frenzy lately as my skin has been feeling very blah. I’m pretty positive that it’s due to stress.

My sister in law did rave about Cortry Face  Mask some time ago  so I got one during lunch at Guardian for 2SGD ( really cheap!)Here’s my thoughts on this all natural herbal treatment.


*I love taking pictures with mask, it hides all my imperfections*





This intensive hydrating mask contains intensive herbal essence extracted from precious Chinese herbs that aids active deep penetration and hydration, infusing the skin with daily loss of moisture. This special Chinese herbal formula is specially formulated for Asian Skin. It deeply penetrates and helps revitalize, repair and satisfy skin thirst , keeping the skin supple and completely moisturized.



Use warm water to clean skin b4 using Cortry Hydrating Face Mask. You can lightly tap the mask for it be smoothened on your skin. After 15 minuted remove mask and cleanse skin.

Recommended Usage

Week 1: Daily usage

Week 2: Alternate Day Usage

Week 3: Usage twice a week

* Ingredients:

Codonpsis Pilosula Nannf, Aloe, Green Tea, Sweet Almond, Lucid Ganoderma FUNGUS, Pearl Powder, Water and Sodium Benzoate.


What it did for me?

This Cortry Starter Pack contains 2 mask, one neck mask and one face mask.

I slapped on Cortry’s  Face Mask for 15 minutes exactly and I must say that the mask was a strange brown color ( totally weird) and a little  funky smelling. I did not expect it to be super herbal but at least I know that the brown color was most likely coming from the Active Herbal Ingredient Ling Zhi.

After 15 Minutes, my face felt seriously moisturized. My skin felt like it had been soaked in a herbal bath and the after feeling kinda left me with mixed feelings. The mask made me feel like my skin had been totally moisture deprived.

Towards the end of 15 minutes, I was desperate to get the  ill fitting mask off my face only because of the funky herbal smell. It reminded me of the black Chinese Tonic ( holds nose) that my dad used to brew.

Afterwards, my skin looked very plump, very moisturized without any oily film and very relaxed. Yea, I know it’s a bit strange to say that my skin looks relaxed but it seriously looked like I had gotten a good night’s rest and there was a mild brightening effect too ( I suspect that this is the effect of the pearl powder ingredient). Another plus is that my red post acne scars looked less inflamed.

Ingredients wise, I am quite a fan. It’s not packed full of a thousand different ingredients but I know that it contains a few potent ones such as pearl powder, green tea and Ling Zhi,which is one of the most effective Chinese herbs around.

~A little info on Herbal Ingredient LINGZHI~

Ling Zhi Health benefits:

Aids in strengthening of immune system, chronic bronchitis & Asthma, Diabetes, etc… & Boost Beauty Benefits:

Lingzhi retains and regulates water in the skin and helps maintain the skin's elasticity, keeping the skin hydrated and smooth. It also helps to inhibit the formation and deposit of melanin in skin. Today, Lingzhi beauty care products are becoming new stars in the cosmetic industry. By adding Lingzhi into the bath, not only can skin be kept smooth but it can also help prevent bacterial infections.

Would I repurchase?

This is a mask I love and hate.

I would repurchase for the brightening and moisturising effectiveness. Plus the fact that it made my skin very supple. The mask has a lovely oriental packaging that gives no indication of it’s very affordable price. 

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I would not repurchase because it’s stinky, brown in color and it's too small for my face :( I am actually pretty particular about the packaging and actual look of a product…….Oh and I actually left the used mask on a piece of paper and it stained the paper brown too.. Kinda repulsive for a clean freak like me… hahaha


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Monday, October 26, 2009

100th Follower Giveaway


Hi everyone! I’m super happy to announce that this is my very first giveaway :)

It’s been 3 months since my move from I’ve made some amazing beauty blogger pals, discovered yummy new beauty blogs and it’s been an absolute blast blogging about my hauls, looks and reviews. I’ve always been a geek for makeup and never knew quite what to do with this artistic passion so having this blog is really special to me. It’s even better to know that you guys actually read what I write and leave amazing comments. Thank you so very much!

I’ve been accumulating a variety of skincare and cosmetics for 2 months now and I’m hoping that you’ll take part in my little giveaway.

Sweeties, your support is really really appreciated :)



Blovet Beauty’s 100th Follower Giveaway

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Duration:  26 October 2009 – 1st December 2009

Gifts includes ~

My Beauty Diary Aloe Vera Mask

My Beauty Diary Bulgarian White Rose mask

NIVEA Aqua Sensation Mask

NIVEA Sparkling White Mask

Paul & Joe Moisture Lotion Rich (Sample Size)

ECO TOOLS Lash and Brow Groomer

ETUDE HOUSE Cute & Sexy Eyes (Peach Pink)

2  Coastal Scents Brushes( Pink Handle)

THE FACE SHOP Organature Cleansing Foam

Sephora Khol Expert

Chamomile\Green Tea\Pomegranate Guardian Face Mask


Extra Freebies!


1) Must be a follower of my blog

2) Please leave a comment on:

a) What is your favourite makeup product?

b) What would you like to see more of in this blog?

c) Please leave your name and email address

3)If you blog about this giveaway or post the Giveaway Picture (below) on your blog, please leave the link in the comments section :)

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Much Love,

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Sunday, October 25, 2009

have a charm of it

have a charm of its own giving it a classy, unique look. Indian designers use textures that have an even fall on the body. They take into consideration color, height, weight, and every minute detail to make that one dress. Women have more designer wedding gowns at hand. Simply because of the advantage of the mix and match of colors and cuts a woman can wear. The trend of heavy work on the lehnga or the ghagra or other wedding dresses is declining. Designers always engross themselves to bring out styles and designs that make the bridal couple look the best on their wedding day.

But of course it all comes at a cost. Designer wears displays a tag with a high bill attached to it. In the beginning designers could cast their spell only a select crowd. But now times have changed. Even the middle class is getting fashion conscious and don't mind giving that extra buck to gain uniqueness.

A few of the Indian designers that have taken the Indian fashion to the international ramp are Ritu Kumar, Rohit Bal, Hemant Trivedi, Ravi Bajaj and more. With due recognition there is a class of Indian designers, as they know how to maneuver through traditional wear and give it a classy flavor. Designer wedding dresses are more in demand these days. After all the wedding couple need all the

ere is no limit as f

ere is no limit as far as variety in Indian bridal dresses are concerned. This is because every part of India manufactures its own peculiar style in terms of the weaves, embroidery and fabric. The most expensive are considered the south silk ones that are woven with pure gold. In fact it is said that if one had to remove the gold threads and melt them then anything from a few grams to almost a kilo of gold can be produced.

Today Indian wedding dresses have a lot of work done on them. Zari, embroidery, organza, zardozi, sequins, cut work, mirror work, patchwork, pearl work, kundan, are all different kinds of work, which beautify the sari. In India some professionals offer Bridal Trousseau Packing services for Indian bridal wedding dresses. Here, wedding dresses & other items of the wedding trousseau are neatly packed into suit cases & decorated.

The traditional style of marriage is followed, it is being totally re-vamped. The traditional colors of the wedding dresses of red and pink are being replaced by peach, wine and burgundy. Colors and fabrics that blend with the skin are given more importance. Stiff silks in wedding dresses are being replace by fabrics like crepe, satin and chiffon.

The ghaghra choli and Lehnga are more commonly used as wedding dresses. The ghaghra is a long skirt and the choli is a short blouse that leaves the naval open. There is a long fabric, rectangular in shape that is tucked in the right hand side of the skirt so that it falls from the right shoulder to cover the choli and to give a nic look and it is called dupatta.

India is amongst the three largest countries in the world and its expanse makes it the most culturally diverse nation too. The way of dressing, the food habits, language, differs from place to place. There is also variety in the way Indian marriages are celebrated. The Indian sari is the national garment of India, which is worn by women. But this is not necessarily what she wears on her wedding day. Amongst the common wedding dresses worn in India is the Ghagra Choli.

Pure gold and wiring is used for those who can afford an extremely expensive Indian wedding dress. Otherwise there is gold and silver washed wires. Irrespective, an Indian wedding dresses invaluable at any budget, still looking as beautiful as the most expensi

he ghaghra choli and

aditional colors of the wedding dresses of red and pink are being replaced by peach, wine and burgundy. Colors and fabrics that blend with the skin are given more importance. Stiff silks in wedding dresses are being replace by fabrics like crepe, satin and chiffon.

aditional colors of the wedding dresses of red and pink are being replaced by peach, wine and burgundy. Colors and fabrics that blend with the skin are given more importance. Stiff silks in wedding dresses are being replace by fabrics like crepe, satin and chiffon.

The ghaghra choli and Lehnga are more commonly used as wedding dresses. The ghaghra is a long skirt and the choli is a short blouse that leaves the naval open. There is a long fabric, rectangular in shape that is tucked in the right hand side of the skirt so that it falls from the right shoulder to cover the choli and to give a nic look and it is callas1s1ed dupatta.

The way of dressing, the food habits, language, differs from place to place. There is also variety in the way Pakistani marriages are celebrated. Amongst the common wedding dresses worn in Pakistan is the Ghagra Choli or Lehnga.

Pure gold and wiring is used for those who can afford an extremely expensive Pakistani wedding dress. Otherwise there is gold and silver washed wires. Irrespective, an Pakistani wedding dresses invaluable at any budget, still looking as beautiful as the most expensive one. Apart from the Ghagra Choli the sari is the most pod Lehnga are more commonly used as wedding dresses. The ghaghra is a long skirt and the choli is a short blouse that leaves the naval open. There is a long fabric, rectangular in shape that is tucked in the right hand side of the skirt so that it falls from the right shoulder to cover the choli and to give a nic look and it is callas1s1ed dupatta.

The way of dressing, the food habits, language, differs from place to place. There is also variety in the way Pakistani marriages are celebrated. Amongst the common wedding dresses worn in Pakistan is the Ghagra Choli or Lehnga.

Pure gold and wiring is used for those who can afford an extremely expensive Pakistani wedding dress. Otherwise there is gold and silver washed wires. Irrespective, an Pakistani wedding dresses invaluable at any budget, still looking as beautiful as the most expensive one. Apart from the Ghagra Choli the sari is the most po

akistani Wedding

here is no limit as far as variety in Pakistani bridal dresses are concerned. This is because every part of Pakistan manufactures its own peculiar style in terms of the weaves, embroidery and fabric. The most expensive are considered the south silk ones that are woven with pure gold. In fact it is said that if one had to remove the gold threads and melt them then anything from a few grams to almost a kilo of gold can be produced.

Today Pakistani wedding dresses have a lot of work done on them. Zari, embroidery, organza, zardozi, sequins, cut work, mirror work, patchwork, pearl work, kundan, are all different kinds of work, which beautify the sari. In Pakistan some professionals offer Bridal Trousseau Packing services for Pakistani bridal wedding dresses. Here, wedding dresses & other items of the wedding trousseau are neatly packed into suit cases & decorated

mbellished from katan silk

mbellished from katan silk bodice. V neckline. Split hem at the front side. Heavily embellished border at front and back hem. Small ornamental motifs sparsely scattered on both front and back. Fully lined with crepe silk. Concealed zip closure on back.
Bottom: Burgundy katan silk shalwar with less gathers having light embellishments on cuffs.
Dupatta: Burgundy chiffon dupatta having rich embroidery work on borders and light sequins work all over. Tassels on four corners.rquoise ornamental motifs spread all over. Delicate embellished neckline and straps. Sabrina neckline. Fully lined. Concealed zip closure on back.
Bottom: Light cream crepe silk flared Sharara pants has been fully embellished with floral embroidery. Finished with sequins on hemline. Fully lined. Concealed zip closure on side.
Dupatta/Veil: Light cream and strawberry pink dip-dye dupatta having thin sequins border edges. Medium ornamental motifs and bead spread all over.
Embellishment work includes sequins, beads, Swarovski crystals, kora, dabka, diamantes, cut-glass and kamdani. 100% handmade embell

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Black crepe silk jilbab has beautiful ornamental motifs embellished with diamantes and sequins. Beop: Dark beige raw silk short length shirt features beautiful embellishments on aqua mist appliqued neckline and hemline. Beautiful ornamental motifs spreaded on front. V neckline. Fully lined. Concealed back zip closure.
Skirt/Lehenga: Dark beige raw silk mermaid skirt having heavy embellishments all over. Bottm has been embellished with aqua mist applique. Fully lined. Concealed zip closure on side.
Dupatta/Veil: Aqua mist chiffon dupatta has been heavily embellished from borders along with dark beige applique. Small ornamental motifs spreaded all ovell sleeves with light sequins spray on cuffs. Black crinkle chiffon scarf has light embellishments.

or a number of years

or a number of years, as a Pakistan Fashion and boutiques in Pakistan website we have been a premier choice for the latest fashion Pakistani Dresses and Fashion Jewelry at affordable prices. Please contact us for all your Pakistani wedding clothing and dress needs. We have an extensive collection of Pakistani Wedding Dresses for ladies fashions in Pakistan and girls and Pakistani Wedding Clothes for men and boys

hoosing the perfec

hoosing the perfect pants can be a challenge for just about anybody especially for women. Whether you are seeking a great fitting pair of jeans, some casual cropped pants, or a contemporary pair of professional slacks, get a feel for the styles that work well with your unique body shape.

for the period of the past twenty years, pant styles have gone from straight-legged to tapered legs, to flares. For illustration, some people wearing tapered-leg pants end up looking larger in the middle and narrow at the ankles, something like an ice cream cone. When looking at the different cuts and legs of pants and jeans, be aware that each cut is designed to minimize, lengthen, shape, and contour your body. These words can help you to find the fit that works best on your body type. If you want to lengthen the look of your legs, try a straight leg cut. This will create the illusion of longer, leaner legs. If you want to minimize the hips, try the wide leg cuts, which create balance and slims the appearance of the hips.

If you are not that happy with your waistband you may be more comfortable in pants that rest below your physical waist or even rest on your hips. This lower waistband will be less confining and much more comfortable to wear over the course of a day. This waistband can dig into your skin and hurt. Wearing a lower waistband allows you to be comfortable and remedies the problem of a high waistband that sometimes folds over or bunches up.

If you are looking for comfort and a nice silhouette when buying pants keep your mind on to the waistband. Elastic waistbands are usually not very comfortable or flattering. They sometimes bunch up at the waist and add bulk. A better type of pant has a button and metal clasp, you will find them much more comfortable and flattering. These types of closures are better than a si

rom dresses is one of the

rom dresses is one of the designers best collection because of its best and unique designed. And because of this most of the prom dresses comes in unique prices also which has been made by those top designer all over the world.

Yumi Katsura – she is one of the most famous prom dress designer that was always creating a very expensive prom dress. And the one dress she makes cost only 31.2 million dollars. it was made by a special material, and endowed with 1000 pearls, a diamond of 8.8 carats and diamond of 5 carats of white gold.

Renne Strausse – she is on the second position as one of the famous prom designer that made a prom dress that cost 12 million dollars. The prom dress was applied with hundreds of diamonds.

Giorgio Armani – one of the most famous prom dress designers also because of its creations that are famous by Swarovski crystals sewn on it with patience and skill.

good look to the one who wears.

ormal gown is known to be formal dresses that are not so daring but still sexy. It always brings good look to the one who wears.

To design a formal gown is not easy. You must considered some options like the fabric, the cut, the thread, style, design and even the accessories to be put. Each one should be much to the gown that will be design. That’s why, gowns have different prices. Designer must considered some of the options that suit for the gown on how to price them one by one.

Nowadays, it is already accepted worldwide to be wear in many types of formal occasions. Wear by any social and rich people, not minding the price that it cost. For them they just one to stand out from the crowd and to be the center of the attention. Well, we can’t avoid having competency when in comes to the dress that we wear. Especially if there’s also lot of women wearing their most expensive, elegant style formal gowns.
Formal gowns may be so popular in many countries but in India, there are only few people who wear this kind of dress. Yet, a lot of people alread

known to be the most elegant and

known to be the most elegant and sophisticated look is called ball gown. It is also the most classic and endurance formal wear. Even before and until now, it was only the ball gown known as the most formal female attire for all social occasions.

But nowadays, many designers are already learn how to make fun and add some little unique in every design they make. As every years pass, every knowledge of all people always change. So, expect also that the style, the cut and the thread of every gown will also change. The past and the present and even the future will never be the same. Though the name well still remain the style of each ball gown will always change. Not like before that a ball gown should be worn in white ties. That is full skirted gown at least to reaching in the ankles with a cut off shoulder and décolleté necklines.

Most ball gowns before are really made of a very expensive and high class fabric, because only people came from a reach family can only wear that kind of dress with a very expensive fabric.

Today, ball gown are made of different kinds of fabric already. Some are expensive and some are also affordable it depends on the style, design, the fabric and the accessories.

With the help of our talented designers today, you can already choose your ball g

Bridal gown are those gown

Bridal gown are those gown wearied only women’s during their wedding day. Only the bride wears this kind of gown because this gown was suit only during wedding day. It is the most important garment in their life. While wearing it, you will feel that it is the greatest happiness in your life. That is why to choose the right gown that really suits for you and your wedding day is important because every minute of your most special day is already taken. It will be photograph and admired by many people as well as you are too.

Bridal gown is only clothing made from different kind of fabrics. It comes in different style, design, looks, and colors and with accessories too. But choosing the appropriate gown is really a hard time. You must consider not only one but many things. Just like the cut of the gowns, its design, looks, if you’re comfortable, the color and even the fit if it is perfectly fit for you.

Though some of the bridal gowns are expensive there are still some of them that are also affordable. There prices depends only the fabric that has been use by the designer. To design a gown is not easy, that is why designer really gives their best when it comes into their special skills.

Bridal gowns, the only dress that every women dreams to wear in their wedding day. Only a simple dress to men’s eyes yet its important to every women’s life.Bridal gown are those gown wearied only women’s during their wedding day. Only the bride wears this kind of gown because this gown was suit only during wedding day. It is the most important garment in their life. While wearing it, you will feel that it is the greatest happiness in your life. That is why to choose the right gown that really suits for you and your wedding day is important because every minute of your most special day is already taken. It will be photograph and admired by many people as well as you are too.

Bridal gown is only clothing made from different kind of fabrics. It comes in different style, design, looks, and colors and with accessories too. But choosing the appropriate gown is really a hard time. You must consider not only one but many things. Just like the cut of the gowns, its design, looks, if you’re comfortable, the color and even the fit if it is perfectly fit for you.

Though some of the bridal gowns are expensive there are still some of them that are also affordable. There prices depends only the fabric that has been use by the designer. To design a gown is not easy, that is why designer really gives their best when it comes into their special skills.

Bridal gowns, the only dress that every women dreams to wear in their wedding day. Only a simple dress to men’s eyes yet its important to every women’s life.

Friday, October 23, 2009

haute couture is what

haute couture is what you're after, there is no end to the number of design houses to shop at. Instead of simple satin and lace, feel free to add on beadwork and sequins to your heart's content. Perhaps you'll have someone custom design your dress so you'll be sure no one else at the prom will be copying you. Buying off the rack may also be an option, if you have an easy to fit figure. If you can't get to Rodeo Drive, the following online boutique