Have you guys heard or bought any bath or body products from Dennis Anderson on Etsy ? Well, I just bought and received one Room & Linen Spray Mist in Steamed Vanilla and Liquid Soap in Lemon Zest.
Well, let me tell you that this dude’s scents are really strong and accurate. Initially, when I got the bottles, I opened it and took a whiff and immediately thought “ the scent is pretty light” … I also thought that Steamed Vanilla smelt exactly like Steam Vanilla and so did lemon zest. They smell exactly like the description.
I took the Room & Linen Spray and gave two light sprits in my bedroom and my entire room was smelling of vanilla. The scent actually lingered in my room for 1 whole day and it got stronger as time passed! It grew so strong at one point that I had to air out my room, imagine that! I read in someone review of Dennis Anderson products that they tend to smell a little light in the bottle but upon use, the smell is actually very strong and I have to agree!
The packaging is pretty normal for a room spray and handy to lug around. I actually used this to perfume a shop space and it’s the only thing that can last through an entire day. Overall, if you love strong and powerful scents then this company room & linen mist will blow you away. If strong scents give you a headache, you better stay away.

As for the lemon zest liquid soap, I actually find the scent quite light. It smells just like lemon zest but I decided upon smelling it that I didnt really like it.instead,I should have tried something else like blackberry sage or lavender liquid soap. Also, it’s a mild vegan soap but I still prefer Dr Bronner’s liquid soap as Anderson liquid soap feels a little too mild for my me.
Overall, the shipping for this company was superb, packaging is good and scents are exactly as described. I really liked the room and linen spray and would like to try other scents like Apricot and Citrus Blast. I don’t recommend the liquid soap however as it feels a little too mild to me.
I’ve been on a curly hair kick lately --
From this :

To this:

to this:

I try to curl my hair and look cute but as soon as my baby gets a hold of my hair, it’s all downhill from there. Tying it up is the only way to save my poor hair! hahaha – Happy Friday!
Love, BlovetBeauty