Anyways speaking of, I caved a few weeks ago and bought a Clarisonic Mia from them. Delivery took 3 days and I was super pleased with their customer service!
I've been using clarisonic Mia for 2 weeks now and I can safely say that It's a really good cleansing product.
It took me 5 days of daily usage before I fell in love wit it. The reason for me wanting to try the clarisonic was because my skin felt a little dull and my skincare pdts were not sinking into my skin and giving me a radiance anymore. I needed something to slough off the dead skin cells and clarisonic Mia did just that !
Each time u switch it on, it lasts for 1 minute and I was thinking that a minute is way too short. Oh how wrong I was. I cleansed my face twice in a row, which makes it 2 minutes and my skin felt a little raw afterwards. The 300x revolutions per second is not a joke. Stick with the suggested 1minute for the whole face, it's more than enough. Also, it a very therapeutic experience especially after a long sweaty day when you know ur skin has been suffocating under all the makeup, dust and sweat.
My skin just feels silky smooth after each cleansing session and I can honestly say I look forward to using it everyday!
It helps remove the thin film of sunblock that remains even after using my oil cleanser and I find that my glycolic moisturizer sinks in immediately( something that hasn't happened for a long long time)
fits nicely in my hand ..
charger attached… really cool charging method btw…
. wat it claims….
The Mia is portable and it's cheaper than the classic. Also it claims to remove 6 times more makeup than manual method. My skin feels so clean after each use, so I totally trust the Clarisonic cleansing abilities.The downside to this super effective facial cleanser however is probably the amount of time spent charging it (18 hours for 20 minutes of use) and the fact that it is expensive compared to using a towel, a facial exfoliator or your good old hands. Also, I noticed my skin looking dull on days when I simply didn't have the time to use Mia :<
The Clarisonic Mia is probably suitable for heavy makeup users who travel a lot, lazy or busy individuals who love a good cleanse and the plain curious with extra cash but are unwilling to fork out 50 USD more for the Classic.
Baby’s neck getting stronger by the day & he is such a camera loving boy!!
Happy midweek everyone!!