Wedding, be it in India, America or Brazil, marks the most important event in the life of a person, when he/she leaves behind his/her single life and gets ready to share his/her each and every thing with another person. However, the style in which it is conducted differs in each of these places. Talking about India, a wedding here is a much grander and opulent affair than most of the other countries of the world. One look at the Indian bride and you will come across the most noticeable difference in the weddings of India and abroad. She will also serve as the perfect example of the opulence that characterizes an Indian wedding.
On her wedding day, an Indian bride comes across as a picture of beauty and grace. While all the guests appreciate the way she is looking, hardly a few of them are aware of how much preparation goes into 'being an Indian bride'. Right from trying a thousand outfits (to select the best one for the wedding), to finding matching jewelry to taking care of the skin and buying just the right 'matching' accessories, she has to undertake a lot of efforts, to look her very best. In case you are a going to have an Indian wedding soon enough and are apprehensive about the preparations, the bridal tips given in this section will prove to be quite handy.