I honestly don't know how some pregnant woman do it. Do what? Look sassy, look healthy, happy and well groomed.
Before my pregnancy I was a vain pot and now I can't give a hoot about what I look like. Even my mom thinks I look kinda like a preggie slob.
I take offence of course but I know deep down in my heart that the nonchalant attitude towards looking presentable has to stop one day.
But in my and many other preggie women defense, I have to say that there are many contributing factors for the lack of care in the beauty department.
In the first trimester, the nausea, fatigue and sheer exhaustion totally knocked me out half the time. I didn't even want to go shopping, let alone look at my face. The growing child inside of me seemed to have a dominating personality and changed my taste drastically. In short I was acting and behaving like a hungry, sleepy and tired man. I didn't even like washing my face.
I was battling with constant nausea that seemed to get worse in a moving vehicle and could only be quelled with food for short peirods of time. I was not feeling sexy at all!
Moving on happily into the second trimester, nausea somewhat abated and a little of the old me seems to have crawled back into my veins. I have begun to enjoy watching beauty vids, read beauty blogs but I also seem to love watching comedies and funny shows, reading comics and manga and cook shows more than ever. I like car shows nowadays but I still hate washing my face. The sudden need for bed rest hasn't exactly inspired me to want to use any makeup too. Who in the world will look at me in bed and better still expect preggie unwell me to have ruby lips and gorgeous smokey eyes?????
Still, I'm thankful that gd nutrition in the fourth month kept my outbreaks at bay and reduced my worry abt a seriously slackening to almost non existent skin care routine.
Add a big dose of worry to this whole experience and it's the perfect recipe for looking like you just don't give a damn.
Pardon this rant but rant I must because I used to be one of those morons who thought that pregnant woman should and could look cute and amazing all the time except when giving birth:) i never once fathomed a truckload of worry, scares, real fatigue, serious weight gain, nausea and shortness of breath to accompany this amazing and almost surreal journey that is pregnancy.
Many a times in the past few months I contemplated the survival of this beauty blog with my lack of beauty inspiration when it struck me that not all woman go through what I go through and some even have it worse. women need to look good to feel good and lately I haven't been feeling great. Despite this, I refuse to stay bitter and grumpy and depressed and soon I will force myself to take out that eyeliner and draw myself a cateye and put on some lipgloss so that I can show the world just how proud I am to be carrying a little miracle inside of me. Physically I may be feeling really far from what I used to be but inside I'm still the same person ( with strange man-ish taste).
Now I know better than to judge a pregnant woman by her looks. If she still has the energy and is putting in the effort to look good during this special time, than I applaud her for doing so.
I've always blogged about what inspires me in my life and now I'm gravitating towards simple, quick and easy to do makeup. Maybe I might even do an article on gettin out of a slobbish rut soon !?! Hehehe
It's good to be blogging again and i'm looking to putting up some pics soon :) have. A great Wednesday sweeties!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Nutrition Tips
I'm having a rather challenging pregnancy and a big scare saw me on a one month self imposed bedrest.
I am the last person to stay still for long periods of time. Asthma could not stop me from playing soccer in the park or playing catch when I was young and I get so annoyed and grumpy when I'm having the "adult" flu bug cause I can't run around!
But being pregnant and caring for a small one can really change a woman.
I only got up to eat, bath and use the loo. My hair, my skin and my mood was not in the the best shape at all. I had scaly skin that peeled like sunburnt skin and refused to get better no matter what I lathered on. Also, i was not washing my face regularly . I skipped all my fancy creams, masks, moisturizer ( except for peel-y areas) and was a victim of pregnancy fatigue and looking very very very unappealing. Soon I had many baby zits and big zits!
Thankfully I have a dad gifted in the art of nutrition and he has taken such good care of me while I was in the most needy state ever. A strong concoction of vitamins and fruit juices has been so beneficial to my strength as well as my skin surprisingly ;)
In the past my zits and marks took ages to go away and the rule of thumb was the bigger it was the longer it would take to completely leave it's mark on my skin. Nutrition did take somewhat of a back seat in the past but now I am an advocate of the perks of having vitamins and fruit juices in ones diet to maintain optimal skin health.
~{benefits of vitamins and juices listed}
+ fast healing acne
+ fast healing post Acne pigmentation
+ a reduction on the reliance on facial products
+ glowing and radiant skin
+ surfacing of acne scars
These are the benefits I have witnessed while on my dad's healthy regiment. I must warn against the taste of some the juices but the perks and skin and healing benefits are completely worth it.
- I take daily
• organic beetroot juice ( nasty tasting but it gives a nice glow and has so many blood cleansing an boosting properties)
• gemuse saft ~ aka mixed organic vegetable juice
• tons of h2o
• zinc oyster supplements
• vit c , shark liver oils, fish oil, multi vitamin, calcium, cordycep ( sometimes every other day), vit b and folic acid
• organic soy protein drink
• Floradix( iron supplement that I have been taking on and off since I was 18 ) this liquid iron supplement is amazing. drink it during even if u are not pregnant and it can relieve fatigue and boost low blood count.
Not trying to scare anyone here but I have thalessemia which in essence means weaker blood and all these supplements are targeted to get more oxygen for the baby. The best side effect is how my pimples heal in a few days completely and don't leave any marks at all. I'm not suffering from any breakouts and my dry patches have eased up a lot ( fish oil helps heaps). I can go on and on and on abt all the great benefits but if u are not pregnant try taking a multi vitamin, oyster supplement, vegetable juice , beetroot juice, floradix and fish oils. The skin benefits are amazing.
Btw :
• I take - mixture of freshly boiled chicken essence and bottled essence 2-3 times a week
I give nutrition so much credit cause I've been so slack with my skin care and lying in bed the whole day but my breakouts are minimal and easily healed. I am not a doctor but I hope this helps those of u who are doing everything pdt wise to clean and take care of ur skin. Let me know how it goes:)
Take care and great weekend ahead !
I am the last person to stay still for long periods of time. Asthma could not stop me from playing soccer in the park or playing catch when I was young and I get so annoyed and grumpy when I'm having the "adult" flu bug cause I can't run around!
But being pregnant and caring for a small one can really change a woman.
I only got up to eat, bath and use the loo. My hair, my skin and my mood was not in the the best shape at all. I had scaly skin that peeled like sunburnt skin and refused to get better no matter what I lathered on. Also, i was not washing my face regularly . I skipped all my fancy creams, masks, moisturizer ( except for peel-y areas) and was a victim of pregnancy fatigue and looking very very very unappealing. Soon I had many baby zits and big zits!
Thankfully I have a dad gifted in the art of nutrition and he has taken such good care of me while I was in the most needy state ever. A strong concoction of vitamins and fruit juices has been so beneficial to my strength as well as my skin surprisingly ;)
In the past my zits and marks took ages to go away and the rule of thumb was the bigger it was the longer it would take to completely leave it's mark on my skin. Nutrition did take somewhat of a back seat in the past but now I am an advocate of the perks of having vitamins and fruit juices in ones diet to maintain optimal skin health.
~{benefits of vitamins and juices listed}
+ fast healing acne
+ fast healing post Acne pigmentation
+ a reduction on the reliance on facial products
+ glowing and radiant skin
+ surfacing of acne scars
These are the benefits I have witnessed while on my dad's healthy regiment. I must warn against the taste of some the juices but the perks and skin and healing benefits are completely worth it.
- I take daily
• organic beetroot juice ( nasty tasting but it gives a nice glow and has so many blood cleansing an boosting properties)
• gemuse saft ~ aka mixed organic vegetable juice
• tons of h2o
• zinc oyster supplements
• vit c , shark liver oils, fish oil, multi vitamin, calcium, cordycep ( sometimes every other day), vit b and folic acid
• organic soy protein drink
• Floradix( iron supplement that I have been taking on and off since I was 18 ) this liquid iron supplement is amazing. drink it during even if u are not pregnant and it can relieve fatigue and boost low blood count.
Not trying to scare anyone here but I have thalessemia which in essence means weaker blood and all these supplements are targeted to get more oxygen for the baby. The best side effect is how my pimples heal in a few days completely and don't leave any marks at all. I'm not suffering from any breakouts and my dry patches have eased up a lot ( fish oil helps heaps). I can go on and on and on abt all the great benefits but if u are not pregnant try taking a multi vitamin, oyster supplement, vegetable juice , beetroot juice, floradix and fish oils. The skin benefits are amazing.
Btw :
• I take - mixture of freshly boiled chicken essence and bottled essence 2-3 times a week
I give nutrition so much credit cause I've been so slack with my skin care and lying in bed the whole day but my breakouts are minimal and easily healed. I am not a doctor but I hope this helps those of u who are doing everything pdt wise to clean and take care of ur skin. Let me know how it goes:)
Take care and great weekend ahead !
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Lankan Traditional Sari There are four t

The second is worn following the marriage ceremony, and is known as Innaik Koorai, which features rose, yellow or muskat colors. The sari worn to the official Toronto ceremony of marriage registration is the third one, and his family pays these three saris on behalf of the groom.The final Sri Lankan bridal dress sari is paid foe by the bride herself and is worn to the arrival ceremony of the wedding day's wedding stage.
The bride's family also pays for a silk set of Salvai and Vesti to present at the wedding stage, for wearing at the marriage regWe have become so wrapped up in the culture o

Another problem is Gold! It is a meta

ther problem is Gold! It is a metal believed to purify anything it touches. It plays an enormous part in our culture. It is not just meant for weddings and then to be stored away in a bank vault somewhere. That has never been its purpose. In fact, married women are supposed to be adorned in gold all the time. Both Islam and Hinduism encourage the use of gold in jewelry. It is a tremendous part of the culture but does anyone care anymore? Of course, not! How often do you see someone attending a function wearing real gold or even diamond jewelry…probably not very often. Sure they all buy it and store it in their bank’s safe deposit boxes for God knows what reason but they really don’t care for it otherwise. These days fake has become the new gold! Yes it has. It is more important that your jewelry matches your clothes than what it is made of.
Another= problem
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